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FeKKstival: Vilnius ISFF

This programme was screened at the Vilnius International Short Film Festival in 2023. It was curated by the 'Young Programmers,' a group of senior high school students interested in cinema. Under the guidance of professional film curators, educators, historians, communication specialists, and others, they select films that are relevant to their interests, design and present film programmes for cinemas, festivals, and open spaces, as well as handle the publicity associated with these programmes. 'Young Programmers’ is inspired by the international project Moving Cinema.


Dian Weys, South Africa, fiction, 2022, 7'

Techno, mama

Saulius Baradinskas, Lithuania , fiction , 2021 , 18’

The Juggler

Skirmanta Jakaitė, France, Lithuania, animated, 2018, 11'

Snow Shelter

Robertas Nevecka, Lithuania , animated , 2020 , 16’


Birutė Kapustinskaitė, Lithuania , fiction, 2021, 15'